32 weeks pregnant

32 weeks pregnant
Ryan and myself

Sunday, January 31, 2010

day 31

I'm sorry i haven't been on in a couple of days. on Friday i went in because i was having pains from the night before and that morning! so we went in, i had a irritable uterus and my blood pressure was abit high. they even did some blood work! but they didn't say anything about that!

i was able to leave 10:50 am and when i was leaving i got outside onto the sidewalk. i took a really big fall hit my head 2 times, my back and my bum. I had to get help up and then i went back into the hospital for another 3 hours or so! they checked Zacks heart rate, i guess it was okay! checked my head and i was able to go!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

day 27

day 27

i had my family over for dinner today! got to see my sister that i haven't seen in over a year! my grandfather came over for dinner as well as my brother, SIL and my niece :)

we all had a wonderful day the boys had a great time with everyone! I'm kinda surprised that the boys were fine with my sister! haven't seen her in so long!

don't have any pictures of the day, sorry!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

23, 24,25 and day 26

wow sorry everyone its been a very busy couple of days!
had my ob appt yesterday. everything is going great! Zachary is doing just fine! I tiny bit more fluid then most ppl have! but that is because of my sugars(diabetic), which have been really great!!!

I will be 36 weeks tomorrow, so about 25 more days left! going to have him by c-section either 18,19, or 20Th of Feb! Unless of course my water breaks which i really think will happen! I'm guessing sometime next week!! but we will see!

Friday, January 22, 2010

day 22

okay today is day 22 and everything seems to be going great! thank goodness! the boys got up at 7 today so not so bad! Ryan walked Ben to school, i picked him up with my dad and Jonathan. im letting them play the wii for abit before i kick them off! :D

tonight Ryan and I are going out for dinner. For our 6 year wedding anniversary. we are going to Micheals on the Thames. we went there last year and loved it!

here are some pictures of my boys

day 21

well today was a very busy day! i went to the hospital thinking that i was having back labour which i wasnt! yay, i even had a swollen face! but we went in and everything is fine with Zack!
thanks goodness!
here is my big belly! lol

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

day 20....playing out in the SNOW

here was our day! there is going to be alot of pictures with this post! the boys were outside playing in the snow before lunch! we all went to pick Ben up today from school!

im so glad that we were able to spend sometime outside today! it was really nice and not so cold out!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

day 19

okay here is what i made for dinner tonight for Ryan and myself! nothing special but it was really good! chicken with mushroom soup, rice and steamed broccoli. YUMMY